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Here I wanted to list my favorite fitness and foodie inspirations.  
I certainly did not get here alone, and I owe my health to these experts:

Karena & Katrina have built an amazing community of strong and inspirational women (and men!).  Not only is their community tight-knit and motivational, their website is chopped full of amazing workouts and delicious recipes.  These trainers have challenges all throughout the year for 8 weeks at a time. Also, if you are an Instagram lover like me, you'll want to follow them @toneitup or @karenakatrina. Want to see the community on instagram? Just search hashtags like #TIUTransformation #TIUteam and #bikiniseries!  People are posting their progress, motivational quotes, and so much more every minute of the day!


I honestly don't remember where I first came across this amazing website, but I am so glad that I did.  You can find pretty much everything on your physical, mental, and emotional health on this site.  I am a subscriber to their daily emails.  There are lots of daily emails I subscribe to that I instantly delete without even reading, as I'm sure you probably do too, but with Greatist, I actually open them!  They have daily links to articles on their sites about a variety of subjects, like all different styles of workout routines, healthy recipes, helpful apps for your phone, sustaining healthy relationships, personal journey stories, and even articles about the healthiness of your poop (that one is my favorite)!  Take a gander at Greatist one day, and I can bet you will find at least one article that interests you.

Lauren Conrad's Blog

Okay, so I have always had a secret (not so secret anymore!) crush on Lauren Conrad.  I did not watch Laguna Beach or the Hills in High School, but in my college years, I was forced to watch some episodes, and I fell in love with her style.  Anyway, back to business:  Lauren's blog is full of articles for all different areas.  I love to see her style of course, but she also frequently has articles featuring healthy recipes and killer workouts.  I've frequently seen Karena & Katrina from Tone It Up reference her blog, and since they were already listed above, you can see a little correlation here.  Lauren has done a phenomenal job branding herself, and becoming a role model for all body types.  With her recent ban of body-shaming-language, I can respect her work so much more, as she models what it is like to be truly accepting of all body types.

Catherine of Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth is a wellspring of knowledge when it comes to food!
I stumbled on this blog early in my weight loss journey, and loved reading her personal weight-loss journey. It gave me hope when I truly needed it!  She lost an amazing amount of weight all with changes in her diet.  Check out her blog and you will find heaps of healthy recipes all centered around natural, unprocessed foods.  She does have a section for fitness, but it is not her main blog focus.  I follow her on instagram as well, and love seeing all of her rabbit food, and bunny adventures! Looking for  the most adorable health foodie blog, look no further!


[Obligatory disclaimer:  all descriptions for the websites, blogs, and people listed above are opinions written by me, author of this blog, Devin.  Analysis on such websites are not necessarily fact or even all that accurate.  These are just the thoughts or notions of an inspired blogger.]

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