Post Archive

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Setting My Intentions

Setting intentions is an important tool for achieving goals. 

In my weight-loss journey, I had set a new goal for myself:  140 lbs. 
I am officially 11 pounds away, and I have a renewed sense of determination.  With this renewed feeling, it is necessary to reestablish my intentions. 

For these last 11 pounds before I head into maintenance, I WILL to do the following:

-- Stick to a solid, healthy diet.  Goal: 1200-1400 calories/daily

-- Gym workouts twice a week, either M.W or T.TH
[Gym workouts to combine a minimum of 20-30 min cardio with 15-20 min muscle group focus]

--Yoga workout once a week on Saturday or Sunday mornings

-- Increase water intake, decrease Diet Coke intake
[currently drinking 1 can of Diet Coke a day, limit to 1 can every other day]

-- Stay positive, happy, and healthy 
[tell yourself you are beautiful and capable every. single. day.]

I think it's vital to say that my last intention is my most important intention.  I think I have said previously that I used self-hatred to motivate myself in the past, and I am ready to put that mindset behind me.  I want to reach my goal while also loving my body. 

Now that I've set my intentions, what are yours?
Write them down... on a post-it, in your journal, in your phone, on a receipt...anywhere! Keep them to yourself or share them with a friend.  Either way, write them down, and remember to stay focused and motivated.  Refer to these intentions daily to remind yourself of your goals. 
And stay positive!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Diet vs. Diet

No, I'm not going to compare different fad-diets.  This is more-so about social language, and the way it impacts how we talk about our diet.

"Diet?" you may ask, "Why am I on a diet? I'm not on a diet. I'm fine with the way I eat."

You're not on a diet!  

And neither am I!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Motivation & Decisions

Motivation is an elusive creature.  

Finding the proper drive, determination, or motivation to do anything is exceptionally difficult for me.  I have been a lazy person my whole life.  For example:  "sloth" is a term used pretty often to describe me during my free time. 

Finding motivation to work on my career, no problem.  My career is currently driven by money [student loans, I'm looking at you...]. Solution: work.  
I want more money than I make now?  Solution: work harder. 
Plain and Simple.
Easy mindset.

Finding motivation to workout, on the other hand, eludes me.  
Especially recently.