Post Archive

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dreams vs. Reality

Things I want to do after I graduate (but probably won't do):

-Spend some time in Seattle, writing fiction and taking useless photographs... like a cool kid, wearing an oversized plaid button up with some skinny jeans, and never brushing my hair and smoking a cigarette, while looking like a total mess. Except for the hair/smoking/mess part. I don't want that.

-Move to somewhere in California and get a part-time job. Use the money to at least buy myself food and an apartment, and spend the rest of my time as a beach bum.

-Get a cushy job in Chicago and commute from Elmhurst, make big money, and eventually spend so much of it that I hate everything about my life because I'm too goddamm rich.

-Become friends with someone in a band and be that awkward chick that is just there during their tours.

-See Denmark. There's gotta be something good in the happiest country on the planet. Well the last I heard they were the happiest country...but I definitely know the U.S. is not number 1.

-Travel Europe and "find myself".

All of these things and more I want...but most of all I do not want to live in reality. Reality will most likely consist of me applying for jobs and ending up stuck at a part-time job near or in Harvard.

A girl can dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. I would vote for moving to California...
    1) Seattle is too rainy. You'd be too depressed.
    2) Cost of living is expensive, but in San Fran the minimum wage is $9/hr. You could do it.
    3) Where's the excitement?
    4) Too many awkward woolly mammoth moments there...
    5) Denmark is a long way away... but that could be cool.
    6) First you need money to travel through Europe. And I think you've found yourself... I'm afraid you're trying to run away...

    You can dream, but you can also do, Devin. Shake things up. Do something different. GET OUT OF HARVARD! You can do it. I believe in you.
