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Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Secrets" of Weight Loss

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Here it is-- my before and after.  I started out in 2010 at 217 lbs, exquisitely unhappy.   It is 2014, and I recently weighed in at 162 lbs.  55 lbs lost!

I am not saying that I am done losing weight, but I am happy with my progress.  I am happy with my appearance. 

I posted the above picture on Instagram and Facebook.  The response was overwhelming. I am so exceptionally moved, touched, and overcome with emotion at the amount of support I received from my family, my friends, people I have lost touch with, people I somewhat dislike, people I barely know, etc.  Everyone loves a good weight loss story, but their well-wishes and congratulations still mean the world to me.

A common thought that came from several places was essentially this:  "How did you do it?  What's your secret?"

I am no expert, but I wanted to share my philosophies. 
So here it is:

1)  I do NOT drink calories, if I can help it.  Whether I am "trying" to lose weight or not, I try my very best to stick to water or Diet anything (Coke and A&W mostly).  If calories are zero, I'm on board.  I do drink a  cup of coffee some mornings, but calories there are minimal.  I will do black coffee (5-10 calories) and then add just a touch of creamer (such as my favorite:  Vanilla Natural Bliss).  Essentially I try to stay away from calorie drinks because it is just a waste!  Liquids for me are simply unsatisfying.  Chances are I'm still going to want to eat, so I might as well save those calories for some food instead. 

2)  I TRY to keep my diet pretty balanced.  More natural, healthy foods and less processed, junk foods. If I was perfect, I would never eat a chip again.  But I am weak.  If I have to have it, it is all about portion control.  I will allow myself the "cheat," but I'm not going to binge. Which leads me to.....

3) Overeating has always been my issue, so I try to graze throughout the day.  I find that if I am eating several times a day (SMALL portions), I am less hungry throughout.  I cannot let myself get to the point of "starving," otherwise I will let myself binge when I finally do eat.  Imagine we are goats.  Graze that grass from morning to night. 

4)  Probably one of the most important parts of weight loss:  exercise.  I try to stay as active as possible.  Luckily, my apartment is very close to a biking/walking/running path.  My boyfriend and I will take walks and go for bike rides when the weather is right.  I will hit the gym when I can (or when I am motivated) to do running on the treadmill and do some lifting (because cardio alone does not make a workout).  I don't go crazy with gym routines, though.  I simply do not say "NO" to opportunities to be active.  I will 9 times out of 10 say yes to active invites such as:  "Want to come with me to yoga,"  "Want to do the Color Run?" (or other 5k running/walking events), etc.  You also don't have to do things that are specifically working out.  Take a day to go shopping, go to a museum, see the city--it's filled with walking! Natural activity still counts, people. 

5)  Educate yourself.  When I first started my weight loss journey, I went to Jenny Craig.  I must admit, they were extremely helpful when I really needed it.  I know companies like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc are for-profit companies.  They gain while we lose.  The thing I needed most that Jenny Craig gave me was the tools to do it on my own.  During all of my time there, talking with my consultant, I didn't need the food they gave me.  The food definitely made it easier. I could be brainless--"What time is it?  Time to eat. Where's my box?" Pop it in the microwave, or just open the package, and nom-nom-nom.  It was so simple.  When I got to my halfway point though, my consultant switched me to half of the week eating "Jenny food," and half the week eating food that I had to choose at the grocery store.  That was a point where I learned so much.  I learned what to look for on the label, that I needed to pay attention to portions, what I should and shouldn't buy.  Being educated on what is good for you and what is not is vital.  It's not only about calories.   Also--you CAN eat at restaurants--but this is where education is key.  Most restaurants will have a nutrition guide.  Ask for one! They will not look at you like you are crazy.  Take the time to find your healthiest option.  I cannot emphasize educating yourself enough. 

6)  I am sure most of you noticed that my before and after pictures are separated by 4 years.  I did lose weight in spurts.  I started out and initially lost 30 pounds in a few short months.  Then I would lose motivation, and then go back at it.  It's a roller coaster.  Essentially, you have to always want to be the best version of yourself.  There is no magical, temporary diet plan that will drop the weight and keep it off while you go back to doing what you were doing.  You have to change your lifestyle, and be patient!  I am not always patient, but I try to remind myself that I can be better.  Patience is key.

7)  Something that most people don't consider--be happy!  I know weight loss is hard and defeating. I had many times throughout the four years where I just wanted to give up.  And I did! But then the pounds just came right back, and I got sad and angry.  I would get determined again, and start over.  As the weight comes off, I am happy, which helps more pounds come off.  My point is though that your body reacts to your moods.  If you are having a hard week at work, expect to feel irritated and bloated.  It's unfortunate, but such is life.  Find something that can make you happy on a daily basis.  If you aren't happy, your body won't be either.

These things are pretty generic and vague, but it's really not as complex as people make it.  You don't need to do anything extravagant.  Just try your best and be patient.  
Good Luck!

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